About Me

Friday, January 23, 2009

aretha's hat

ok...i have been so intimidated about what my "first post of substance" should be about, that i have been paralyzed by fear for the past three weeks...i have written about 10 posts in my head..but committed nothing to paper/computer screen...so..i realized..just write something, anything...so...here it is... the inauguration was so wonderful and so full of hope and change, that i literally became exhausted just watching it on tv. so, we humans have trouble dealing/processing something so deep, and deflect it in various ways...some people are gruff and rude to maintain an emotional distance while others (like myself) use humor to protect us from feeling too much. enter......aretha's hat...it was a safe, simple way to add levity to the enormity of the history that was happening....so...i am trying to become more technologically intelligent...and heard of the website that allows you to put arethas hat on anyones head...while home in florida several weeks ago, my best friend and i were engaged in a tradition that just kind of happened....taking pictures of ourselves in the hat section of wal-mart in ridiculous headwear. i have this great pic of me in a hannah montana skull cap (while coincidentally wearing an obama/biden tshirt) i thought....this would be great...so i am trying to learn myself photoshop or pixir or whatever the free program is on the "worldwide web".....and i have now been at it for over 2 hours...(i know....most people sleep at 3:30 in the morning....) but i have battled insomnia my whole life...so...its perfectly "normal" for me to do odd things while the world (or at least the eastern time zone) sleeps... well...obviously it didn't work out for me, because i am now writing this blog...i will go into work tomorrow (where i have been laid off) and am surrounded by dozens of young whippersnappers who are in the design industry and have THEM make me aretha-fied.... i have decided that altho i have become what i swore i would never be (over 30) i am going to embrace it and accept help from those who weren't even embroys when i bought this nightgown... and maybe....they will see the wisdom i can offer....(like...you cant change your boyfriend...you can never go faster than the car ahead of you in traffic, no matter how many times you rev your engine or honk your horn or that your health is a precious gift we take for granted until we dont have it anymore....or....and broccoli tastes MUCH better after you turn 35.) so there you have it...my first blog...and it doesn't make much sense...but...its out of the way...and i am no longer intimidated and can start blogging like every other person on earth. rock on soul sister...tallulah.